Wrecked System

Creative Arts GITAM
3 min readJul 19, 2021

Rushali Mishra

Schools aren’t liked by most of us because of the very obvious reason, and loved too, for the more obvious reasons. But I would like to believe they weren’t made for the purpose of making education torture alone. They were made to nurture the students and help them grow. Instead, their creativity and originality are being trampled on.

Students have the natural tendency to want to learn something, if it lies in their interest’s spectrum. Otherwise, all of the other knowledge seems like it’s forcefully being dumped on them. So, they find ways to avoid it as much as they can, and find ways around it. There should be a balance between the interests they want to pursue and other subjects. If one is favored by the system only because it’s more “important”, the student feels suppressed and even feels repulsed by those topics which only grows stronger.

But that’s not all. Even diversified, the educational system wants you to be competitive — fight tooth and nail for that certificate, lose an arm and a leg for those college admissions. Be it anything, you are seen as superior if you indulge yourself in it for weeks, months, even years. You have just asked the person to give up their last years of school life for an IIT seat. In the end, I wonder, is it even worth it? I’m not the type, so I wouldn’t know.

Schools are supposed to be educational institutions that nurture students, help them find their interests and pursue them in the future. Instead, it’s almost about everything except that.

“Is that what you come to school for?” No. I originally came to school for learning but instead I was pushed into this rat race where fast learning high achievers are favored all the way to the end and if I stop for a breath, I’m left behind panting looking at the others miles and miles ahead of me, so the potential in me rots away in dusk of hopelessness. I felt like a failure for not winning something I never even asked to be in.

So, I don’t look back, never wanting to be there again. And I’m called a bad student, when all I wanted was to learn, not compete my life out.

They want to create the perfect robots with straight A’s, countless certificates, who will scoop the information into their brains only to dump it on answer sheets. These perfect bricks fit well into the wall of society, others discarded for being unique, making them a topic of gossip.

This is a problem everywhere in society. You find yourself, your strengths and follow through, even if it isn’t one of the “more accepted” paths, you get judged.

We aren’t all the same, and that’s a good thing. Like a garden with all kinds of flowers and fruits, we too should look at the beauty in it.

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Creative Arts GITAM

We are a student body of GITAM Visakhapatnam specializing in different forms of arts, crafts, and literature.